China remains the United States’ top military and cyber threat, according to a new report by US intelligence agencies that said Beijing was making “steady but uneven” progress on capabilities it could use to capture Taiwan.
China has the ability to hit the United States with conventional weapons, compromise US infrastructure through cyber-attacks, and target its assets in space, as well as seeking to displace the US as the top AI power by 2030, the Annual Threat Assessment by the intelligence community said.
I’m a cybersecurity professional, and I would personally place China and Russia as equal threats, but too bad our compromised government has masters to please. Of course, both of them pale in comparison to the massive insider threats occupying senior positions.
Ironic that this report was released today.
It also doesn’t say shit about Russia encouraging ships to drag anchors through the North Sea to cut telecom lines.
I was going to say the same thing regarding which threats are higher to the average American citizen, or even many government institutions.
In the next few years, I feel that my likelihood of being significantly harmed by state hacking and leaking of information is far greater from the American threats than a foreign power.
I’m a military satellite professional with ties to cyber for my programs. China is WAY higher of a threat from a military standpoint. From cyber, it might be equal. I’ll trust your word on that.
What a coincidence, the US remains the top military and cyber threat to China.
With the dumbass as the secretary of defense I’m pretty sure Czechoslovakia is a threat to the US and I know it’s not a country any more.
Ability, yeah, but likelihood goes to Russia.
Why not both?
The USA is vying for that top spot this year…
Aside from the domestics combined with the outsourcing of other countries.
Hopefully /s…