Thousands of farmers and small rural businesses remain in limbo as USDA demands grant rewrites favoring fossil fuels over renewables.

    5 days ago

    Every time I hear shit like this, I legit wonder how people believed anything out of his mouth. I really wanna know, what statement sounded so believable that you could ever believe a single word out of his mouth. Especially since you already had 4 years of these lies already!

    It’s just wild to me that you can’t take 1 quick look at him, and without even hearing a single word, he is super sketchy.

    5 days ago

    Finstad said he held a Feb. 26 telephone town hall joined by 3,000 people in his district.

    clicks on link

    Finstad: Great to talk to and answer questions from the amazing folks in #MN01! Thank you to the 3,000 constituents from across southern Minnesota who tuned in to our Constituent Update Call last night!

    Sarah Kujawa: How do we get notified of these? I am your constituent and didn’t get an invite

    Anastasia Hopkins Folpe: Sarah Kujawa exactly

    Jacque Drew: Sarah Kujawa I just called all 3 offices and asked the same question. No one had an answer but would pass my request along.

    MarilynPalmer Frisch: Sarah Kujawa probably another mistruth we have to deal with!

    Tori Ann Gross: Sarah Kujawa exactly. I’m on the email list, have called and asked your staffers specifically when you’ll be holding a town hall with constituents. How are you notifying people of your events??

    Jenni Hollar: Sarah Kujawa it was a lame attempt to appear that he’s listening to constituents.

    Karen Klefstad Monson: Sarah Kujawa and you note there is no response from him here.

    Sharon Vandenorth: Interesting. I spoke about this very lack of communication w your Rochester office yesterday morning and he never mentioned an “update call”. Invitation only? That’s one way to control the content isn’t it. Shameful lack of honesty.

    Shannon Helget: I called your office and voiced my concerns yesterday. I wasn’t informed of any phone call or town hall meeting where I could hear directly from Congressman Brad Finstad. How do you plan to notify all constituents in your district of these opportunities? You represent ALL of us.
