Selena Maria Chandler-Scott, 24, was found unconscious and bleeding by EMS after miscarrying. Police later found the remnants of her fetus in a bag in a dumpster nearby, after a witness reported seeing her dispose of the bag.

Chandler-Scott was arrested and charged with concealing the death of another person, and one count of throwing away or abandonment of a dead body. Tifton Police said in a press release the fetus died as a result of a miscarriage, not an abortion. She was transferred to Tift Regional Medical Center for treatment after being found, and was not immediately charged.

It’s unclear what Chandler-Scott should have done to avoid charges in this case. Her arrest is another example of the rights of a fetus taking precedence over the rights of women in red states. Vagueness in the language of Republican abortion bans has led women to avoid going to the hospital for care of miscarriages. Any intervention to save the women’s life could be interpreted as an illegal abortion, a crime which carries a sentence of up to ten years.

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