I originally joined Reddit in 2011, and in the beginning it was dominated by cat content. It was rare to see a post about dogs. Sometime in the mid 20-teens this phenomenon reversed. It’s always been a “pet theory” of mine that this reversal was due to Reddit becoming mainstream, and that it’s initial nerdy/techie user base preferred cats to dogs.
I think my theory is further supported by Lemmy. It’s pretty clear that most of Lemmy’s user base are techies, and currently it’s dominated by cat content. Just a shower thought. May be wrong.
NOTE: I love dogs and cats. This post isn’t arguing favoritism.
Birb tax! This is my handsome muscovy duck Antonio. He’s great
Antonio is an excellent name for such a dapper duck.
Thank you!
Like aggressively, or did it just wany food? My boy harasses me when he wants snacks lol
I see lol. They are dramatic birds. I gave mine the last of their food one day(I picked up more later that evening) and Antonio got into the empty bag and pouted. I removed him from the bag and he grabbed it and threw it and looked grumpy. Mind you, he had a bowl full of food. He just likes eating from a bag. When I brought the new bag of feed home, he got super in my face and was hella impatient when I was opening it.
Hah! Antonio sounds great.
He is lol. He’s by far my fave out of my 10 ducks. He’s also the oldest. He turned 4 this year but still acts like I’m his mama lol.
Why do you have a pet dinosaur?
Just for fun