Name: Maakaatsakeme Etymology: Our sounds

Doc with more information about the language and the world

What I expect to do with this language evolve it as a natural language to generate a faimily for a fantasy world (worldbuilding is a secondary priority), have some fun. I don’t mind that some parts of it may not be currently in any natural language, so, maybe it will be a combination of fantasy/natural/engineered language?

(kaatsa-keme) seetla-uumeetsu-tlea kaku-nitleari-tame uene (kaatsa-keme) seetla-taa muru-nitleari-tame

/('kaːtsa-'kə.mə)  'səː.tɬa-uː.'məː.tsu-tɬəa  'ka.ku-ni.'tɬəa.ʁi-'ta.mə  'uə.nə  ('kaːtsa-'kə.mə)  'səː.tɬa-taː  'mu.ʁu-ni.'tɬəa.ʁi-'ta.mə/  
(COLL-1SG)         PAU-wolf-OBJ              hunt-RECPST-ANIM           and     (COLL-1SG)        PAU-3ZO       eat-RECPST-ANIM

We hunted and ate the wolves.
(All of us recently hunted the wolves and all of us recently ate them)

(seetla-keme) une-tlea tlu muru-ma-tame

/('səː.tɬa-'kə.mə)  'u.nə-tɬəa       tɬu  'mu.ʁu-ma-'ta.mə/  
(PAU-1SG)           tomorrow-OBJ    NEG  eat-uncertain FUT-ANIM

We probably won’t eat tomorrow.
(Some of us probably won’t eat tomorrow.)

(kaatsa-keme) kaatla-tlea ri-naatleari-tame

/('kaː.tsa-'kə.mə)   'kaː.tɬa-tɬəa   ʁi-naː.'tɬəa.ʁi-'ta.mə/  
(COLL-1SG)       forest-OBJ   pass-NRECPST-ANIM

We past the forest some time ago.
(All of us past the forest some/a long time ago)

uumeetsu tame-tlea muru-naatleari-tee

/uː.'məː.tsu  'ta.mə-tɬəa   'mu.ʁu-naː.'tɬəa.ʁi-təː/  
wolf       3SG-OBJ    eat-NRECPST-ZO

The wolf ate him.
(The wolf ate him some/a long time ago.)