• Why do you use Crowdin (proprietary, bad for privacy) instead of Weblate (libre, privacy-friendly)
  • Why do you host the project on GitHub (proprietary, bad for privacy, developers located in Crimea, Cuba, Iran, North Korea and Syria can’t contribute)?
  • Why don’t you mention any of the FSF-endorsed GNU/Linux distributions?
  • Why do you use a Creative Commons non-free license?
  • Why don’t you recommend Libreboot or Coreboot?
  • dngray@lemmy.oneM
    1 year ago
    1. Pretty much Crowdin works very well, particularly with it’s TM (Translation Memory) and specific terms.
    2. We are currently mirroring there but there’s no reason you couldn’t use git-send-email to one of the team members if you need to really do that. Ideally, just use a VPN or Tor anyway, because you’re probably going to need that anyway. Github is available in Iran nowadays https://github.blog/2021-01-05-advancing-developer-freedom-github-is-fully-available-in-iran/
    3. Because they often lag behind in security https://www.phoronix.com/news/GNU-Linux-Libre-5.7-Released (for example this allowed the GPU to be used in browser fingerprint.
    4. In a lot of cases the site is research, and words we’ve written based on our experience. There isn’t much reason for derivatives to exist based on our content. If there were, those would be a complete re-write. We aim to have the site as accurate as possible, and want changes contributed back there to benefit everyone and be translated. That does promote centralization, but in this case that is a good thing.
    5. Libreboot won’t ever be recommended, basically because unless you want an ancient laptop from 8-10 years ago it’s a non-starter.