A lot of privacy guides suggest avoiding Telegram. I understand that in its default mode there’s no E2EE (and no E2EE for groups at all). If people I know don’t wanttko use Signal, isn’t Telegram the lesser evil given it’s nicer privacy policy (than other popular ones)?

Say I use the FOSS version of it.

    • aname@lemmy.one
      1 year ago

      People like you, who make fun of people who are simply ignorant but are actually trying to learn and asking questions, are cringe.

    • Awry@lemmy.one
      1 year ago

      Nope, YOUR comment is cringe @Pablo. You were so Autistic you knew the answer but also didn’t feel like sharing? So, what, you just wanted to look like you knew the answer in front of all these people? Autism.

      But regarding: why can’t I trust Telegram? Nobody has mentioned yet that the app is maintained and run by the current Russian regime. Russia insisted it host it’s telegram servers within Russia. It is well known in American intelligence circles that Telegram is Russia’s response to American social networks stealing data in much the same way. It is mandatory that any US social media site host its servers IN the US so that the NSA can monitor traffic, as per the US gov itself.

      So your answer is: whoever controls the app controls your data. Using Telegram means (literally, unequivocally) handing your data wholesale to Russia.