Afghan, Armenian, Azerbaijani, Bahraini, Bangladeshi, Bhutanese, Bruneian, Cambodian, Chinese, Cypriot, Georgian, Indian, Indonesian, Iranian, Iraqi, Japanese, Jordanian, Kazakhstani, Kuwaiti, Kyrgyzstani, Laotian, Lebanese, Malaysian, Maldivian, Mongolian, Burmese, Nepali, North Korean, Omani, Pakistani, Palestinian, Filipino, Qatari, Russian, Saudi Arabian, Singaporean, South Korean, Sri Lankan, Syrian, Taiwanese, Tajik, Thai, Turkish, Turkmen, Emirati, Uzbekistani, Vietnamese, Yemeni people are asians.
The way we understand current geography came from imperialistic Europe. Pretty much the scientific aspects of it were never updated. Unless the current system is revolutionized, we will have to make do with this mess respectfully.