Afghan, Armenian, Azerbaijani, Bahraini, Bangladeshi, Bhutanese, Bruneian, Cambodian, Chinese, Cypriot, Georgian, Indian, Indonesian, Iranian, Iraqi, Japanese, Jordanian, Kazakhstani, Kuwaiti, Kyrgyzstani, Laotian, Lebanese, Malaysian, Maldivian, Mongolian, Burmese, Nepali, North Korean, Omani, Pakistani, Palestinian, Filipino, Qatari, Russian, Saudi Arabian, Singaporean, South Korean, Sri Lankan, Syrian, Taiwanese, Tajik, Thai, Turkish, Turkmen, Emirati, Uzbekistani, Vietnamese, Yemeni people are asians.
That’s more of a US thing. The orient express for example ran all the way up to 2009. It’s an old and unused word, but not really seen as offensive. Some places in Asia even still use that term today.
I never even heard it used in a derogatory way. It seems like one day SJW decided it was racist, campaigned against it, and that was that. But they seem to think adjectives in general are offensive, so it’s not surprising.
This isn’t Voat.
What’s Voat?
I guess the new shit for you guys is “Truth Social”.
You guys?
Oh, you think I’m a trumper? Do you know many trumpers who’s usernames indicate their opposition to the corporatist establishment?