Hey guys, I have Corsair RM550x that is turning on/off its fan in 65-70 min cycles when PC is on idle. When PSU fan is off I meassure 31W from wall and 21W when fan is off. Other PSUs are not like that and they are around 25W. Funny thing is that fan shouldnt even spin below 220W iirc and I found it hillarius that its using less power when fan is on. PC is working fine, but is this normal?

Edit: specs - MSI Z270-A PRO, intel G3930, 8gb ram, 2 sata SSD and no GPU

  • MooseBoys@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I’m guessing you have a periodic background task that runs every 70 minutes or so. This briefly increases the system power draw, eventually leading to the system heating up and the fan kicking on. It’s probably just a coincidence that the task ends (reducing the power draw) around the same time the fan kicks on.