Lots of people are feeling hopeless and upset right now, and for good reason. It’s normal to feel like no matter what you do, things are going to get much worse for a lot of people. Blame, despair and anger are natural reactions, but as the shock of the situation dulls, what’s your plan going forward?
Call me naive, but seeing hate have a resurgence makes me want to do more to help the people that are going to suffer the most. I’m going to make a plan to volunteer more of my time and resources to help organizations that need it. I’m going to see if my friends can organize with me to sponsor a migrant family. I may not be able to do much, but my personal way of coping with shitty situations is to try to make the world a little less shitty.
I’m going to try to be kinder and more forgiving with people, and be a better role model for my kids. And I’m going to resist and fight back against hate when I see it.
Lastly, I’m going to be a more supportive friend to the people in my life. And to anyone reading this that feels like this world’s gone insane, and you’re all alone: you’re not. We’re still in this together, and I appreciate everything you’re doing.
I try to get people to read Marxist theory, and correct common misconceptions. Part of why people feel despair right now is because they don’t see a way out of this, because they don’t have a background in leftist theory. I keep a basic beginners reading list I can link, if anyone wants it, I’ll spare the copypasta.
It also includes a section at the end with my own personal practical suggestions for how to conduct yourself in your daily life to remain effective and optimistic.
I also try to combat problems like queerphobia, racism, and misogyny when I see them.
How do you get past the initial brainworms even bringing up the word communism? Like someone else said above, I feel like I can’t even bring up an alternative path or get them to pick up a book without them yelling about China and Tiannamen Square, or Stalin and his killing a bakillion millon people, or how “communism has never worked”. It’s so annoying to have to go back to these basic, first-grade points every time.
I would be interested in your list if you don’t mind sharing :)
Here it is, Cowbee’s “Read Theory, Darn It!” beginner reading list. All except one work has an audiobook alternative linked, otherwise there are text links directly to said works. It starts off with foundations, then builds on said foundations, ending with some practical advice on how to conduct yourself as a Leftist in general. I also include intersectional theory regarding trans and enby liberation, gay rights and history, and decolonialism.
Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions!