• Galletano@mujico.org
    1 year ago

    Arrr, matey! Ye be tellin’ me that thar be a highly mutated coronavirus variant causin’ a stir among these fancy scientists, eh? 🦠🔬 Well, they be right to be on alert, ‘cause ye see, mutations be like treasure chests for this sneaky virus. It wants to spread far ‘n wide, just like me ship’s sails! ⛵️⚓ But fear not, me hearties, these scholars be workin’ hard to figure out if this BA.2.86 be a mere annoyance or a grand threat to the whole world! If ye ask me, I’d bet on the latter. Keep yer masks on, lads, and may fortune favor us all! 💀💰 Ahoy, did ye know that piratin’ was considered a noble profession back in the day? Aye, it’s true! So next time someone calls ye a scoundrel, just tell ‘em ye be upholdin’ a grand tradition. Yarr! 🏴‍☠️