Honestly the only thing I can think of is the competition recently to hack a satellite, maybe has drawn the ire of some script kids, or rather interest. [1][2][3] I LOT of educational and research stuff is quite open, and often very resistant to change as they value access/transmissibility over security in many cases where theres no real grounds (ie: its not national secrets etc). Some of these datasets are quite large.
Even still basic things like firewalls, key based access etc should be setupo. Heck if its a multi-million dollar instrument airgapping is probably worth its time. But i dunno. Just conjecture on my part.
The competition definately brought some attention [4]
Honestly the only thing I can think of is the competition recently to hack a satellite, maybe has drawn the ire of some script kids, or rather interest. [1][2][3] I LOT of educational and research stuff is quite open, and often very resistant to change as they value access/transmissibility over security in many cases where theres no real grounds (ie: its not national secrets etc). Some of these datasets are quite large.
Even still basic things like firewalls, key based access etc should be setupo. Heck if its a multi-million dollar instrument airgapping is probably worth its time. But i dunno. Just conjecture on my part.
The competition definately brought some attention [4]