Nintendo’s Switch has just achieved another sales milestone. Although worldwide hardware sales of the hybrid system surpassed Wii sales some time ago, there’s been an update in the US.
I’m surprised it took that long.
They sold a lot of Wii’s, for a long time.
Well there was that period when you couldn’t even find switches to buy, that probably didn’t help.
To be fair, the Wii also had that period, and it was even worse than the Switch’s launch.
I meant around Covid, several years after the launch.
I guess the motion controllers gimmick was a more wide-appealing thing.
Wii sports and wii fit sold a lot of units. My mom bought a wii fit to use with my Wii and she never games. Like ever. She was one of those moms that called other game systems “Nintendo”.
Same exact thing with my mom
I bought 2 Switches. I bought 0 Wiis. You’re welcome Nintendo statistics.
I’m curious: why 2? Couldn’t say no to the OLED? Did one break?
And I’m sorry to say that I bought two Wiis and 0 Switches so we cancel each other out.
I am actually in the same boat. Brought one for myself way back in like 2016. Proceeded to have a kid and that kid is now 6 and just got him one so we can both play. I guess it’s not technically mine but 2 were definitely needed.
Not OP, but I have two because there was too much contention on a single household switch. My household collectively also owns/owned 2xWii and 1xWiiU.
OLED is pretty significant feeling because of the bigger screen.
Though now neither get used because I have a steam deck.
I bought two switches. I had an original second Gen one. I got it for Christmas as a present from hubs (technically). When the splatoon OLED came out I really wanted the better kickstand and I really liked the styling and bigger screen. I saw one in a store by happenstance and picked it up. I ended up giving my first one away to one of my friends who doesn’t have much money but wanted to play the new Zelda game. Something similar happened with my hubby. He found a Zelda ToTK switch somewhere, bought it and gave his old switch to his younger brother. Technically I also bought a switch for my mom so she could play animal crossing. So together my family has in fact bought at varying times a total of 5 switch consoles. That’s not including my son who has one (we didn’t buy it, his grandparents did). We share a Nintendo Switch online family account.
Aha, I found this this video for global total sales over time, which shows that the Switch passed the Wii last year. Kinda interesting to see the comparisons!
A video is almost assuredly the worst possible way to convey that information.
I mean, duh. Is this really news?
According to new data from Circana… system achieved this feat in July 2023
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Published on Aug. 28, 20231 day old now, so pretty new. Sales data doesn’t release on August 1st, it needs to be compiled from its various sources, sorted, and composited together.
It’s actually an ad.
You forget that the Wii was advertised to even grandparents. They aimed way beyond the gamer demography, at the cost of developing “too easy” or too hand-holding games for the system