I’d never played TLOU before, but was recently looking for something new to play and heard great things about it. My parents watched the show and loved it, so I decided to give it a shot. It took me a little bit to get into, but once I did I got hooked hard. I beat the game and then went on to watch the show with my wife, she loved it and now wants to watch me play Part II. Unfortunately that means I can only play it when she’s around, and given we both work shift work, means it might take me a long time to beat Part II, but it’s incredible so far. I’m not too far into it yet though so no spoilers for Part II please.

What does this community think of this game? I know it was very well received, I’m just curious how patientgamers feel towards it. Also, how did people like the show? I thought it was great but I’ve heard some people found it boring. I prefer the game but was very impressed with the show as well. I’m looking forward to season 2

  • kryptonianCodeMonkey@lemmy.world
    20 days ago

    It’s been my favorite story driven game franchise for many years

    And I hope you enjoy Part 2. I loved it almost as much as the original, but it does NOT pull any punches narratively speaking so just be prepared to be challenged. It was controversial when it came out for several reasons (some valid, some not)