I really enjoy rereading my past conversations, whether it’s texts or comments here on Lemmy. I do it pretty much every day, and I just think about the different things that could have been said. I don’t obsess over it, I basically treat it like another feed. When I get bored of Home and All, I go through my own profile.
Do you ever reread past conversations here or elsewhere? How often?
Not gonna lie, I struggle to remember to even respond to all my texts
Eh, not often, usually.
Mostly, I only do it when I’m needing to refer to something to refresh my memory, or when I said I’d do something and get back to someone, or to edit in something new.
Most days, I don’t even look at all, unless one of my friends notices a typo or something. My meat space friends seem to enjoy my stories on lemmy the way they did on reddit, so they’ll drop me a message via signal or whatever if my bad eyes, fat fingers and/or defective brain screw something up. If they bother to link it, I’ll go back and edit, which means you reread the context as well as my comment.
Sometimes, they’ll message me when I’m wrong about something, or am being n asshole without justification, and I’ll go back and maybe fix it or apologize or whatever.
That’s fairly uncommon though. The most recent time I went scrolling back in time, there was a post maybe a week ago about someone putting marmite on bananas, and I said I’d try it. Took me a few days the get bananas again, so I had to scroll back to find the comment and edit it with the update. Along the way, I scanned other comments for typos and such, which meant revisiting some of the thinking and discussions conversations too
Back on reddit, I used to keep a folder of formatted comments I’d made for copy/paste, where it was useful information people would ask about often, and I’d keep those updated, which would usually end up with me trying to find previous uses of them and reading the threads as well.
But even with all that, it’s like maybe once a month I go back.
On lemmy, yes, every few months I have a quick scroll in my post history.
Just to be like “haha, I remember that conversation” or something.
Also, as I scroll through I’m like “hey, people liked this” because at the time you just say something and move on. But maybe later you can see people were into it.
“Hey, people liked this”
This is definitely part of why I do it, call me conceited. I like looking back and seeing if my comment came across the way I wanted to, and votes can help determine that
It’s online, but it’s still a community. It’s cool to see something you wrote a few weeks ago went down nicely with people you interact with.
The same as having a conversation with the lady at our local post office can end with some laughs or something like that.
not really. I wish there was a better search at least for mbin web so I can find things easier though. its like oh that one guy recommended firefox tabs or such. feeds my tab addiction though.
I get a notice when someone replies to me, but not when the thread continues, so i usually check back to see where the rest of that convo went. I do like to think about how i could have worded a comment to be more clear, concise, less bitchy.
All the time.
Not once have I done this, or even considered it. Scrolling takes up enough time, never mind reviewing my previous thoughts whilst scrolling. Ain’t nobody got time for that.
I think I just have too much free time. I run out of things to scroll past in my feeds, and who else knows my sense of humor better than me?
I don’t reread conversations for entertainment, but I do find myself going through my comment history on Lemmy for reference. Same with text convos. I’ll have a memory of saying something, and look back to sanity check myself.
What was your favourite comment that you made? Is there one that makes you smile?
What was your favorite comment that you made?
I’ve always been bad at picking favorites, I’m not sure if that’s a normal issue. But for this particular case, I have an extra struggle: option paralysis. I’ve made 516 comments on this account, how could I choose any one to be my favorite?
Is there one that makes you smile?
I’ve always been bed at picking favourites
Fuuuuuuuck…✊ The struggle is real…
My wife’s tried to spark up the whole “death row final meal” discussion with me a few times. FFS, on the rare occasions I actually get a food craving, I can’t even decide what I’m craving!Option paralysis
This is the theme of my life.
First comment:
Hard agree, I like to reframe stuff like this in the same way the OP picture is. I have a really close friend in the States. He’s a GOP backer, his parents were, and their parents ad nauseum. His instinct is to be liberal, not like…L liberal, or D democrat. But he wants better affordable healthcare for everyone, he wants to be able to give a homeless guy he sees on his way to work every day a sandwich but can’t for fear of trouble off the cops. He didn’t vote, literally wasn’t able to afford to leave to vote. Staunch Trump supporter, weirdly considering his obvious socialist/liberal beliefs, until everything started falling apart these last few weeks. Won’t admit he was wrong. But we had a long conversation about how he’d side with Canada if it came to an invasion. Every time he comes out with something he was told growing up, hammered into him as truth… Civil War was about economic differences, stuff like that. I gently disagree, with us that usually takes the form of me cussing him out, and pointing him to innumerable sources that counter, with evidence, what he was taught. He then calls me a dirty so and so, says “well fuck…”
Been friends 5 years this December coming, maybe with a few more years I’ll have him deprogrammed enough to not only participate in his democracy (if there still is one) but to do so in his own best interests.These people for the most part aren’t our enemy by choice. They’re the victim of systemic underfunding of education, and the twisting of the historical narrative. This is a generational effort of cultural programming.
Are some people beyond saving? Maybe. Probably, actually.But the spectator-sportification of the American political system is at fault.
Second comment:
This is fucking gold. I’m inspired to look back through my comments. A month or so back I had a chat with someone here asking for help fleshing out ideas for Godzilla Through Time creative writing. I think you might jive with that.
Every day. Reliable dopamine hit.
And this is how social media hijacks brains.
You’re not wrong, but I do this with text messages too, old blog posts, and even mentally replay verbal conversations.
I do resent when it’s used as a hook to get me in front of ads, though.
Sometimes, if a topic I’ve discussed comes up again.
Sometimes I do, when I have particularly funny and enjoyable conversation with my friends, or ones with my SO that become important for our relationship, but I find myself doing it less and less, don’t really know why.
Only when I get a reply and need to reread the context above it
I usually don’t check them unless I need to reference something, but I recommend the alternative UIs for looking through old messages. The default Lemmy UI makes it annoying to follow along in past conversations, while Photon for example has a chat layout
I have always found internet browsers to be clunky, so I mostly interact with social media through apps. As such I use Voyager for Lemmy, and PWAs for some of the services that I haven’t found an app for