I…I hope our men and women in the armed forces makes the right choice when it comes time.
They will do whatever the Führer tells them. It’s naive to assume otherwise. Just look at history.
I don’t share your pessimism.
I sure hope you’re right.
The US military still teaches the difference between a lawful and unlawful order.
Just following orders doesn’t work in the US military.
Now … whether the people who end up in the military are willing and capable and able to differentiate is a different story
It’s well past time.
That’s really wishful thinking. I think America has already shown it has no heart. Just because we are indoctrinated young to believe a heros image of certain professions doesn’t mean they are that. I wonder what the percentage is of naive people that are just doing what they are told, good people that actual have heart and care, and people that join these forces for their own power and agenda are. I think the naive and heartless might be dominating. I feel bad for the people that still think they are living, or in this case working, for humanity.
In my experience, people in search of power don’t generally enlist, they get a commission as an officer. That’s definitely not awesome, but I think it’s overall better than you’re making it out to be.
Boeing. Fucking Boeing. I haven’t even looked at the public information about this latest round of procurement, but… Boeing?
Lockheed Martin is fucking pissed right about now. What happens if the arms manufactures stage a coup? We’d be proper fucked.
The reason it was stopped is they chose a guy that was too honest. They wouldn’t make that mistake today.
Where Roosevelt?
In grave
gonna be overpaying boeing for shit-tier aircraft as an incentive for them to stay out of the space business–so that muskrat can name his own ridiculously-high prices.
Boeing can’t compete in the civilian business and is too big to fail : solution is to give them subsidies in the form of military contact.
Well, for the “allies” that’s a good thing as it will take many more years to complete than scheduled, be massively more expensive than budgeted and be unreliable as hell. This gives said allies a proper chance to build an actual good jet. My money would be on a 6th gen Gripen.
“the world’s first sixth-generation” fighter jet, named the F-47.
the F-47
heavy sigh
the FAT
So just a reformattted F-32 then?
And it only comes in orange
Just like Putin.
Labeled after the fat leader?
Rule 34 of the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition: War is good for business
I am not looking up rule 34 of anything Ferengi. Nice try tho
Wise, wise decision.
I swear it is true, though probably not the first search result. Citation available upon request.
I’m sorry that this is only tangentially related, but I’m 30 years late to a fandom and I’m itching to bitch.
I’ve been trying to look up fanfiction for DS9, and it’s fucking astounding how much quark/Odo porn there is. I get that they’ve got vibes, but it’s just too big a leap for me. Quark’s getting some serious character development lately (I’m in the 7th season) though, so maybe something changes soon.
I didn’t see any vibes between odo and quark. Certainly not to the level of Bashir and garack. Or Bashir and O’Brien. Or O’Brien and kira. Or O’Brien and anyone but his wife.
Not sexy vibes, but friendship vibes. They each do favors for the other and then get bashful about having positive feelings for each other. Fanfiction writers can pretty easily use that as a jumping off point for modeling how the characters would act if they did have romantic feelings for each other.
Yes on bashir and Garak though. I resisted it at first, but I’ve fully given in and have read exclusively that for the last week.
Rule of Acquisition 76: Every once in a while, declare peace. It confuses the hell out of your enemies.
Huh, that actually is Rule 34 on the list. Colour me surprised
Rule 25 is “Fear makes a good business partner”
They’re going to have to root out us domestic terrorists first.
If there’s a club for this, can you let me know?
Go ahead, search it if you don’t understand. Just want to make sure this is here for the time when they track down the upvotes.
I mean to join the revolution not to be part of the authoritarian government haha ;)
Yeah, people keep saying it’s early 1933 right now. So 6 years till war with our allies. (Doubt the timeline would be the same)
Hopefully, if that ever happens, we start prosecuting every soldier and then on up the chain.
Following orders is not an excuse.
That only happen after violences and war in which team Trump loose badly. Don’t be complacent with the illusion of rules of law if you don’t fight for your liberty you won’t keep it.
Who’s gonna pay for a new fighter jet if they keep cutting taxes. Like who says we have the money for this bullshit?
Who’s gonna pay for a new fighter jet if they keep cutting taxes.
Tax cuts only for the rich. Your taxes will go way up and don’t forget about all the tariff taxes everyday Americans will pay on top of their income tax increases. Plus, your kids will be drafted to kill their neighbors.
They didn’t really need to exaggerate in the headline. It’s still all fucked up.
Sometimes now before i finished reading the headline I assume it must be from the onion or some other satire source, and until a second later i see it is just real news. The world got so unpredictable lately.
He’s gone completely nut nut
I think he was completely nut nut in 2016. What does that get us now?
Soooo much nuts!
The best nuts. No body has better nuts. These nuts are good people.
That implies he ever had a grasp on sanity
Has the USA, historically, gone to war against former allies? Specifically, sovereign states we would sell arms to.
So there’s really only one reason to say something like this…
Almost half the war on terror is fighting regions we used to provide weapons to.
Any we sold jets, or even tanks, to? I doubt we care about nerfing an M15 rifle by 10%.
We sold weapons to Iraq to use against Iran (who we also sold arms to).