Surely if Canada was absorbed then the provinces would become states? Then he’d be seriously fucked. Why would you have an ultra state that’s like more than half the size of your entire nation? He’s so thick. He’s beyond thick, just a mental sack of coagulated sputum.
Surely if Canada was absorbed then the provinces would become states? Then he’d be seriously fucked. Why would you have an ultra state that’s like more than half the size of your entire nation? He’s so thick. He’s beyond thick, just a mental sack of coagulated sputum.
No, Canada would become a US territory. They can’t be stupid enough to make Canada a represented state.
Stop dreaming. Canada will never be part of the US in any way, shape or form.
You’re confusing me with someone else. Elbows up!
Because referring to Canada as the ‘51st State’ is mostly meant to be simply symbolic of Trump’s imperialist goals.