Center right at best, the top Dems in the party are more like Dinos. Republicans have been fearmongered for decades that the “left” is closer to communism but don’ realize that the dnc had to move right wing to even stand a chance against Republicans elections. Dnc have always been right wing, they just hide in a veneer of “progressiveness”. I knew some Asian YouTubers that did the same thing, merely hid behind the shield of progressives, while ranting about right wing tropes
Center right at best, the top Dems in the party are more like Dinos. Republicans have been fearmongered for decades that the “left” is closer to communism but don’ realize that the dnc had to move right wing to even stand a chance against Republicans elections. Dnc have always been right wing, they just hide in a veneer of “progressiveness”. I knew some Asian YouTubers that did the same thing, merely hid behind the shield of progressives, while ranting about right wing tropes