Archive link to Breitbart article:

Recording link of the quote there’s also a link in the article but it goes to Breitbart Soundcloud account :

“Before the tariff war, I would say yes. I mean, Pierre Poilievre is the name of the Conservative Party leader, and he was miles ahead of Justin Trudeau. But because of what we see as unjust and unfair tariffs, it’s actually caused an increase in the support for the liberals,” Smith responded. “And so that’s what I fear, is that the longer this dispute goes on, politicians posture, and it seems to be benefiting the Liberals right now. So I would hope that we could put things on pause is what I’ve told administration officials. Let’s just put things on pause so we can get through an election.”

Pierre would bring would be very much in sync with, I think…the new direction in America,

    4 days ago

    She’s a traitorous bitch, sure. But let’s be honest; in the current state of the world, getting a Trump endoresment for Poppinfresh is like announcing he’s been found out to be murdering orphans.

    People knowing that Trump is on his side is the last thing that PP needs. Smith asking the Trump administration to help out because Poppinfresh’s views align with his is such a terrible fucking strategy it’s hilarious.

    She’s under the deluded bubble that every conservative is just as stupid as Alberta/Saskatchewan Conservatives. They’re not. Never have been. There’s a massive difference between “sell out to oil” conservatives from the prairies and “sell out to big business in general” conservatives from Ontario. Ontario conservatives will take an endorsement from Trump and tell Poppinfresh to get fucked because they hate Trump as much as any other party.

    There is one small group of uneducated, inbred, coal-rolling conservatives who think that a Trump style government would be a good thing. And they are far less popular that Smith realizes from her cow-shit castle in Alberta.

      4 days ago

      But let’s be honest; in the current state of the world, getting a Trump endoresment for Poppinfresh is like announcing he’s been found out to be murdering orphans.

      Thus, Mr Trump endorsing Mark recently. They told him to do that so Mark’s polling numbers would go down.

      …and it has to be Mr Trump’s handlers and not the commander in cheese as he’d never admit his endorsement was a toxic career-limiter, that he’s the dog ya lie down with and get fleas.