Glad I could help.

    5 days ago

    As long as I’m mocking help forums, I might have a stupid solution for your window decorations, which you can follow at your own risk. I saw your comment and, just out of curiosity, started playing around in a VM with imagemagick, a program I’ve never used before, but that might be useful for you. Here’s what I did:

    1.) I copied a theme I liked, in this case “Sassandra”, from /usr/share/themes into ~/.themes.

    2.) I renamed Sassandra (in ~/.themes) to Sassandra2 and switched themes to Sassandra2.

    3.) I opened up some of the images in ~/.themes/Sassandra2/xfwm4/ and made note of the geometry of the buttons. In this case, they were 24x17.

    4.) I opened a terminal in ~/.themes/Sassandra2/xfwm4/ and ran a command I got from an AI chatbot and fiddled with it blindly like an idiot until it ran:

    find . -type f -exec magick {} -scale 12x17 {} ;

    In this case, I wanted to use magick to shrink the icons from 24x17 to 12x17 (though you could just as easily replace “12x17” with an increased size instead), and I wanted to do all the files at once, using the find command as suggested by my robot overlord. It didn’t work as I intended. I never bothered to read any docs. I’m not even sure I put the “{}” in the right spot. But it did shrink the images, preserving the aspect ratio. It also threw up a couple errors because I forgot about the readme and themerc files in that directory. Speaking of which, you can fiddle with the themerc file to make any minor adjustments, like offsetting text.

    Edit: In retrospect, the original image files were actually all different sizes and now Sassandra2 looks like crap, but you can always run magick on files individually.