Oh noez! Anyway…

    • Necroscope0@lemm.ee
      5 days ago

      My arguments are moronic, lol. Hard to believe you can even say that with a straight face. Fine you all want more people to join the other side obviously no argument from anyone is going to change your minds. Enjoy losing this war, whatever. No point in arguing, you are as bad as the MAGA fools when it comes to realizing when you are wrong. Anyone who disagrees with you is obviously wrong no matter what because you just can never be wrong about anything. Damn that sounds familiar.

      There is no way that burning random peoples cars is going to do anything except make more people pissed at our side and push more people into Trumps arms. This is one of the stupidest things we could do. Burn the dealerships that is awesome, burn down Musks house even better. Burn down aunt millies Tesla? Pointless and counterproductive. You all sound like a bunch of pissed off teenagers. No logic, just anger.