The deputy director of operations for the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) said on Tuesday that the agency is braced for efforts to meddle in the April 28 vote. Ottawa’s relations with China and India in particular have been strained.
No forget U.S. election threats!
4 countries that manipulate opinion through subterfuge and bots all over various media and social media sites. One country that just straight-up owns both and doesn’t need to bother with that kind of thing.
Poilievre, with his fingers in his ears: lalalalalalalala
“🎼I’m not cleared to receive this information 🎶”
How can he run for prime minister if he doesn’t have security clearance?
And if that’s allowed for some reason, why would you want a prime minister without that clearance?
The short answer is “democracy”. If they win the election they’re cleared. The other option would be the public service disqualifying an elected member of parliament.
Its got flaws, no doubt, the news from the US this week is a great example. But in general it’s seen as the least bad option.
Doesn’t mention the world most successful regime changer
Does the Article include Smith? She is an agent who is working against Canadian interests.
She is so transparently an asset of the Heritage Foundation. I hope Albertans show her the door next election but I’ve learned to not put any faith in the Albertan people.
Thought it would be a good idea to find and share a resource for identifying mis/disinformation.
On GoC website from Privy Council Office:
Any other good resources people know of?