“(iii) the Department of Homeland Security, in coordination with the DOGE Administrator, shall review each State’s publicly available voter registration list and available records concerning voter list maintenance activities”
“(iii) the Department of Homeland Security, in coordination with the DOGE Administrator, shall review each State’s publicly available voter registration list and available records concerning voter list maintenance activities”
this is so they’ll know where to send the brown shirts.
Remember if “police” show up at your door, but don’t identify themeselves or show a warrant and try to get inside, you are allowed to kill them in self-defense.
That’s a risky move, both physically and legally.
True, but so is invading someone’s home.
Put out the nice doormat.
If they’re local police, you will have to move. You will be endlessly harassed, in the best case. Out of state, federal, etc., I’m less certain about petty grudges. Good chance their aim is better than yours, though. Unless you’re a rooftop korean
Good bet it isn’t, but there will be a ton of them and they will just Swiss cheese your entire house and claim you were a gay Muslim trans terrorist after the fact, and the news media will believe them.
Good luck getting me while I’m on my rooftop and Korean
But if it does start happening more and more then fewer brown shirts will want to volunteer to go kidnap people
so they know which states, or districts to purge thier voter rolls.