Giving back what they artificially restricted by the simple nature of everything being bytes that can be copied freely and easily. Much generous, such wow.
Do other consoles allow this?
Steam has a family mode that’s comparable
I’ve asked about the consoles for a reason. PC market has usually have been more open, and if you’re praising Steam, check out
Steam Family Sharing and MIGSwitch scaring Nintendo into adding pro-consumer features.
What’s pro-consunwr about this? Before I could play Splatoon 3 with my son with one DL game, but it seems like they’re not letting me do that anymore.
I don’t think they’re taking the old method away, but rather adding an extra option for multi-device game sharing. At least I hope they aren’t.
But I don’t see how it’s an added feature (I’m probably not smart enough to understand) because it looks like sharing is only for families, which is something we can already do. It seems more restrictive than anything. But hopefully we’ll be able to keep the old method as well because I can’t afford to buy multiple copies of the same game to play with my kids haha
What’s migswitch?
Oh, the flashcarts. I don’t think it’s scaring Nintendo into doing anything:) With Nintendo legally trying to kill emulators it’s the other way around unfortunately
Migswitch isn’t an emulator though. And they’re still selling them.
It’s a flashcart (that’s what I said in the first sentence). And I’m not surprised they’re still selling them if they’re in Russia (same if they were in China). I wouldn’t buy this shit anyway.
Was actually made by a U.S. resident. He picked the Russia theme before a lot of the recent political garbage.
“Political garbage” they have attacked another country, unprovoked and without declaring a war, and it wasn’t the first time they did it even in recent years. Identifying with Russia/Soviet Union is not something that people should be proud of/making jokes. It was a regime that consumed more lives than 3rd Reich and seems to live on in Russia now.
I wonder if this closes the loophole of having two copies of the same digital game (buyer’s primary system, buyer’s account on a second system) running simultaneously. My spouse and I have been playing MK8 like that for years.
Yeah, everyone giving it kudos doesn’t realize its actually even more restrictive than the previous setup.
Before you could:
- Have two consoles playing the same game (as long as both had wifi access).
- Have two consoles share a library when not in physical proximity.
- No time limit on sharing.
Admittedly you could only share games one way with that, so it really only worked for two people. So families with more than two switched are about the only ones this would benefit (maybe a group of friends in close proximity).
I have heard that this is in addition to the old system, not a replacement.
this seems like a really cool function and will definitely help the transition to Switch 2
Yeah, it’s really cool that we’ll be able to share digital games with family members!
That’s great. I was a bit worried Nintendo won’t allow easily sharing games between both system.
I only have one Switch - was there no way to get a digital purchase from one Switch in your household onto another already? It would be neat if you could share a game with your friend instead just a family member, but that’s probably too much to ask.
Purchased games are playable on your primary switch (by any account on the device), and any switch that you’re logged in to (after it phones home to verify the account has purchased the game).