Those hats are so cringe.
I get that they changed the A for America to a Maple leaf but still.
Make up your own stupid slogan.
Make America Go Away
Make America gay again
My Americans Guilty Again
I feel the same cringe from Doug Ford. Who wears this hat just for the votes. I hate conservatives.
Lost liberal decade
Axe the tax
Putting Canada first, for a change
Boots, not suits
Hug a thug (disastrous hug a thug policies contextually)
Slogans is half the job from their perspective. They just haven’t found one that’s stuck.
That’s because MAGA is all marketing and no actual substance. At least not any substance that’s not based on their marketing.
Every time PP talks I vomit a little in my mouth. He’s a disingenuous fuckwit that if the population had half a brain they would see right through it.
What scares me is his populist jingoism has seeped in so far. Ontario Today routinely has people on the right of the political spectrum call in and bless the host for her patience but sweet Jesus they are fucking dumb.
i think this will be the best slogan
Smöl pp
Confiscating trash from trash.
Conservatives might have some success convincing people they’re aren’t MAGA.
But I doubt they’ll be able to convince people MAGA isn’t for Conservatives.
It’s not fair to say all conservatives are MAGA but if you were to find me a MAGA voter I can pretty much guarantee you they vote Conservative.
That is lost on PP and this is why he is not good news. There is a rot in modern conservativism and no one is addressing it.
Maple magats may think they’re being bold and brash but really they belong in the trash.
Just too many fools, eager to destroy their own country because they believe a bunch of lies and nonsense. VOTE, and not Conservative!
Fuck you Bitcoin Milhouse you fraud.
I don’t think I could handle a PP rally without continuously hitting a vape
Would need a lobotomy first.
E-cigarettes!? How dare they. /s