Hi! I hope all is well. I am loving this instance and all the communities so far! As I am a new grad software engineer who is gonna start working in the next month, I was wondering if there are some tips, advice and some nuggets of wisdom you want to pass to this clueless person making this post lmao.

      • HamsterRage@lemmy.ca
        1 year ago


        On a serious note, it’s not about remembering the code as much as it is about how much you learn and change over time. If you’re progressing as a programmer, then you’re going to be constantly humbled every time you look at your old code.

        I don’t know how many times I’ve opened up a program and thought, “What idiot wrote this shit? Oh…it was me.”. And then you realize that your probably gonna think the same thing about the code you wrote yesterday in another 6 months.

        So the least you can do today is to take the time to learn and follow the basics of “clean” coding. That way, your shit code will at least easy (easier, easyish maybe) to follow.