Let me introduce you to humans; tell them anything and at least one person will believe it. Get enough of them together and you too can have such crazy beliefs as: sky daddy is real and you make him angry, the earth is flat, the earth is a doughnut, the earth is hollow, you have 5g chips inside your body that allow you to be mind controlled, lizard people.
It is very worrying that they’ve detained destroyed their reputation so much that any negative news about them is automatically believable.
Let me introduce you to humans; tell them anything and at least one person will believe it. Get enough of them together and you too can have such crazy beliefs as: sky daddy is real and you make him angry, the earth is flat, the earth is a doughnut, the earth is hollow, you have 5g chips inside your body that allow you to be mind controlled, lizard people.
Need I go on?…