Israel ordered its state-run electricity company to halt supply to the Gaza Strip on Saturday after the Palestinian militant group Hamas launched a surprise attack on Israel, the energy minister said.

“I have signed an order instructing (Israel) Electric Company to stop the electricity supply to Gaza,” Energy Minister Israel Katz said in a statement.

At least 150 Israelis have been killed in the attacks launched by the Palestinian movement Hamas.

Israel said the Iran-backed group had declared war as its army confirmed fighting with militants in several Israeli towns and military bases near Gaza and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed to retaliate.

    1 year ago

    Maybe Israel should have consider that before declaring the people of Palestine, as a whole second class citizens and slaves and erected a part-time between the two. Fuck israel and I hope they die

      1 year ago

      The people of Palestine are not second-class citizens of Israel, they are first-class citizens of Palestine. There is only one level of citizenship in Israel, and all citizens are afforded the full rights of any citizen. Every concession Israel offered the Palestinians was either rejected or used as an opportunity to ramp up terrorism. Look up the Olmert deal. Look up the withdrawal from Gaza. Look up the god damn Peel commission. We’ve constantly been vying for peace, and we’ve constantly been made to regret it.

      There is no slavery in Israel or Palestine. There is no “a part-time” either. If you’re gonna make up antisemitic lies, the least you could do is check your damn speech-to-text.

      Fuck you, I hope you don’t die, I hope you learn the vile nature of your lies and hate and the ashes they leave on your mouth cause you to grow the fuck up.