Madison County Public Library administrators were asked to go over a list of potentially “sexually explicit” books to be moved from the children’s and young adult section to the adult section. The majority of these books were about the LGBTQ community. At least one was added to the list because the author’s last name is Gay.
You’ve clearly chosen your side but I hope you can come to acknowledge that maybe the truth lies somewhere in the middle. Some people are using this as an excuse to criticize lgbt but it’s also true that sex positive activists are a bit too eager to impose their beliefs on children in public schools. What you described is probably an example of the former, but that does not mean the latter doesn’t happen.
“Criticize LGBTQ”? They’ve claimed that anything that even mentions LGBTQ is sexually explicit and must be banned. If a character in a book so much as says “I’m gay,” that’s enough for the book to be banned. Meanwhile, a book where a boy likes a girl is deemed just fine because that’s not LGBTQ.
The book banning movement is an attempt to erase LGBTQ from literary works by saying “LGBTQ= Sexually Explicit.”
You are generalizing. There is a genuine reason not to want non binary theythem activists teaching your young child.
This is nonsense
It’s not nonsense. I don’t think the activists think they’re doing anything wrong or have bad intent, they just don’t respect the innocence of children as much as others, which causes conflict.
This is the nonsense part.
it’s not nonsense.
Sex positive educators are literally experts in age-appropriate sexual discussion.
Pretending they are not because age-appropriate discussion freaks you out is your mistake not theirs.
Experts do actually know more than you do
“to criicize lgbt”… Strange choice of words