
“I have ordered a complete siege on the Gaza Strip. There will be no electricity, no food, no water, no fuel, everything is closed,” Gallant said. “We are fighting human animals and we are acting accordingly.”

  • co209@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    My point about imperialism stands because it hinges on the creation of the modern state of Israel itself as well as its consequences. The imperialist character of Israel predates even its foundation, let alone the Arab-Israeli War. I don’t understand why you keep linking to this section about the All-Palestine government. Could you elaborate?

    I encourage you to read a bit further into that article about the Gaza Strip. It mentions how Israeli control over the Gaza Strip, both during its occupation and after, has served to operate an intentional de-development, leading to an engineered humanitarian crisis. Israel has arguably turned Gaza into the largest open air prison in the world (the article’s words, not mine), and the large majority of those imprisoned are civilians, including a large contingent of children.

    Here is a link to an article about the recent UN report which categorized Israeli as an apartheid state due to its treatment of Palestine and Palestinians. I encourage you to compare maps of South African apartheid-era bantustans and the current territory controlled by the Palestinian Authority, paying special attention to the fragmentation of territory which destroys any chance of sovereignty and independent development while allowing the country practicing apartheid full control over the isolated area.

    Anyhow, I can see that we are both very passionate about this, but I hope that you are at least able to see this from another point of view and understand that my position is not ill-intentioned. I harbor no hatred towards Jews or Israeli citizens as a whole; I do despise imperialist Zionism and the apartheid practices of the state of Israel. I believe the state should not have been created, because it is from its inception a theocratic herrenvolk democracy and a puppet of imperialist powers used to keep the Arab countries in Western Asia and the Mahgreb in check; and that the best possible solution to the Palestinian conflict is a multi-religious, multi-ethnic Palestinian state in which neither Arab nor Jewish supremacy is permitted.