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The original was posted on /r/tifu by /u/hyljy on 2023-10-11 15:32:07.

Sorry for any mistakes, english is my second language. I was teaching 8th graders (ETA: 13-14, not 11 year-old kids) earlier today. A small group started to freestyle rap during the class, and it was, well, quite something. Suddenly almost half the class were gathered around one table, trying to rap something. I went there and rapped a few sentences just for fun, and the students were flabbergasted that a teacher would do something like that with them. I was bad ofc, I can’t rap at all, but they seemed to be in awe which was funny. They tried to get earlier rappers to battle with me, but no one dared - not because I rapped a funny one but because I’m the teacher after all.

Well, I thought I’d throw in something anyway. One student had earlier told me not to call him endearing and I had apologized. Now I poked at him by rapping about calling him ”dear”. He poked back, saying something about my salary, and I said ”I’ll go and bang your dad” because it rhymed. The student was offended while others laughed. At the end of the class he came to me and said give me 20e or he’ll tell the principle I said the thing, and I was ok yeah I’ll own up to my mistake, we can go right now. He huffed and said he’d prefer the money. I laughed and said see you next week. I feel like I fucked up big time and I feel bad for him.

TL;DR: Fucked up big time by insulting a 8th grade student in a rap battle. He wanted 20e or he’d tell the principle. I called his bluff and said see you next week. Now I feel bad for him.