• WaxedWookie@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Any effective solution to racial equality does not allow people to have things that others don’t based on race; whether intended for good or bad, no exception. We are all equal.

    Except by just about any metric you choose to look at, indigenous Australians are materially worse off. We’re factually not equal, and defence of the status quo that led to that perpetuates that inequality, again begs the question of whether the inequality is genetic (absurd, and racist, but if taken at face value could possibly be used to defend the status quo), or systemic - demonstrating that the system is currently racist and needs to be fixed.

    How do we unify and move together as a people?

    We start with a clear idea of the problem (which it seems you’ve failed to do if you’re not recognising the current inequality or it’s cause), and work on solutions from there (the process that was followed with the statement from the heart) rather than tossing out any targeted solutions immediately and without assessment because you think they’re racist anti racial equality.

    • saltesc@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Again, you’re in full attack mode. It won’t work on a person that recognises the wild division and refuses to participate in any form of division.

      Seeming as you know nothing about me—who I am, what I have done, what I do, and what I’m involved in—please, I’d love to hear what makes you say something like this…

      We start with a clear idea of the problem (which it seems you’ve failed to do if you’re not recognising the current inequality or it’s cause)

      I’m clearly not participating and am refusing to get into the box you’re trying to put me in. I hope you don’t try to do this to other people as it is of no help. It’s a good thing I’m aware and know what I advocate for—the irony is phenomenal right now—but if this were another person, you could be damaging the cause. It’s feeding that division we don’t need right now and perhaps it has swallowed you up too. Move on with that energy, get better at using it proactively and effectively. I don’t know how many times I have to say that, but if anything gets through, it’s clearly that.

      • WaxedWookie@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        Where exactly have I attacked you or told you what you believe?

        Asking people to pick their box is a pretty quick and effective way of shaking out peoples positions, and either understand why my framing is wrong, or shake out peoples’ positions quickly.

        In response to you saying indigenous represesentation in the constitution is racist, I pointed out the existing racial inequality, and pointed to the 2 possible root causes. I assume you don’t think the gap is genetic, so how do we address the gap, and racism baked into the system without mention of race (or whatever you belive crosses the line into racism) - this is straight to the point, and you ran from it.

        So far, you’ve told me I don’t understand your positions as you’ve dodged just about every question I’ve asked about them, and made assertions like I don’t understand the definition of racism while failing to point out where my definition is wrong or provide an alternative. This is bad-faith behaviour, and the kind of nonsense I see from the likes of closet Nazis who will turn up, ‘just ask questions’, and sow seeds of doubt while trying to hide their beliefs because they know it’ll scare away any sane person, but will drop straight to the JQ when you ask a couple of questions. I don’t think you’re a Nazi, but I do wonder why you’re sticking around to use so many words to say so little.

        I’m perfectly happy being hostile toward racists, and want division between myself and Nazis - they didn’t reason themselves into the racism, so I’m not going to be able to reason them out of it, so chasing them off and ridiculing then seems reasonable enough. If you’re carrying on like a bad-faith actor, dodging my questions about what you believe while making unsubstantiated claims about me, where does that leave us?

        • muntedcrocodile@lemmy.world
          1 year ago

          You called the man a racist and in this responce called him a nazi and a facist.

          You fail to understand that the world canot be divided into boxes of black and white and in fact consists upon a spectrum of grey.

          Again you are assuming the root cause is in some sence based upon race, ironicaly the stolen generation disproves that (its a tragedy and never should have happened but go measure those metrics ur so concerned with). He ran from no point u raised that without adressing his original points.

          Again calling the man a nazi for asking questions and calling that bad faith is itself bad faith and sowing seeds of doubt in his charecter (not a good look when someone is trying ti engage with you and understand and question ur point of view).

          You then wrap this all up by straight up assuming this dude is a full blown nazi and that its you duty to ridicule them. I think if you go and look at a certain angry mustache man from history you will find he got his original support from speaches where he quite literaly reason people into being nazis. Assuming its ur goal to reduce rasism (im assuming ur not just part of a false flag opperation) it is in ur interest to engage with them in good faith to try change their mind.

          You finish with

          If you’re carrying on like a bad-faith actor, dodging my questions about what you believe while making unsubstantiated claims about me, where does that leave us?

          Without realising you arw the one who has been making unsubstantiated claims aboit charecter and engaging in bad faith i suggeat you think criticaly about everything you think and say to try break down your arguments from all perspectives. To argue with yourself in the shower to take nothing at face value to use that noggin of urs to find the incentives for why people act the way they do. And maybe in this proccess you will leaen something about human nature and yourself. Heres hoping anyways

          Only read this after you have sent ur responce:

          !im betting on u flippin ur lid having a tantrum and calling me a nazi!<

          • WaxedWookie@lemmy.world
            1 year ago

            You don’t actually expect to be taken seriously, do you?

            You’ve seen me ask this person questions to shake out their views, then when they’re repeatedly dodged, noted that I frequently see this particular brand of evasiveness from the likes of Nazis while explicitly saying I don’t think they’re a Nazi.

            You’ve jumped in like some kind of weird white knight, as though they can’t speak for themselves, tell me I’m calling them a Nazi Then with that moronic, dishonest interpretation of what I’ve said on the table (a big ol’ lie), you then saw fit to whine about nuance, then move to telling me I’m making unsubstantiated claims.

            Why do you act the way you do? Having spent the time to use that noggin of yours to find my incentives as you preach, what do you hope to achieve with these lies?

            • muntedcrocodile@lemmy.world
              1 year ago

              I was simply pointing out ur hypocracy. I jumped in to ridicule ur utter lack of critical thinking perhaps to help you understand that by advocating for such a thing can just as easily be returned upon u.

              Why do i act the way i do? Because im an engineer who when faced with an issue choose to look at numbers, statistics, and history. Hard facts. I then attempt to come as close to an objective framework as possible. From that point i simply apply the scientific method and gradient decent to find a solution that makes the most change in the most effective manner.

              I am simply trying to emplore you to think about issues criticaly and not just spout the same retoric you have been told to think. I do not lie i draw a perspective from reality same as everyone.

              • WaxedWookie@lemmy.world
                1 year ago

                What hypocrisy did you point out?

                • You led about me calling them a Nazi - I did the opposite, stating outright that I don’t think they’re a Nazi.

                • You lied about me assuming the root cause is race - I never said this, and heavily implied it’s systemic (rather than genetic).

                • You lied about the unsubstantiated bad-faith claims - I tied this firmly to the evasiveness - particulary when asked if the root cause is genetic or systemic

                • You made incorrect assumptions about me losing it and calling you a Nazi.

                • You lied about not lying.

                So much for those “Hard facts”. For you to then tell me to think critically and that you draw your perspective from reality after grounding everything you have to say in utter bullshit is laughable.

                I’ll concede on the lying point if you bite the bullet and admit you’re just a moron, but sadly that doesn’t make you any less wrong, or worth listening to.

                • muntedcrocodile@lemmy.world
                  1 year ago

                  U said and i quote “This is bad-faith behaviour, and the kind of nonsense I see from the likes of closet Nazis” pretty clearly implying they are a nazi ill concede u didnt outright call em a nazi if u bute the bullet and admit u just used the same bad faith inplication that you accused them of. Sounds hyporcritcal to me.

                  So according to u its systematic which would imply the system is working against them. Would a system without racism not equally effect everyone whos part of it? If so then either ur wrong and the syatem isnt agains them or u are implying racism and therefore race is the root cause. Im not sure u truely beleive in anything except that which fits the natative u already have in ur head.

                  No i knew u would read it before responding and thus to prove me wrong would not lose it and call me a nazi (i like to think of it as reasonability insurance).

                  Lied about lieing now thats just a catch 22 at best and a logical paradox at the worst.

                  The only thing my entire argument is grounded in is u having no ability to understand any perspective other than ur own and that i dont beleive we should make any division based on race. You just called both tgese lies so please demonstrate otherwise.

                  If ur willing to concede thinking im a lier that would mean ur willing to concede on what u think is reality, thats prerry telling of u as a whole.

                  Ur welcome to call me a moron i emplore you to continue to use schoolgrpund insults and demonstrate ur superior intelect.

                  • WaxedWookie@lemmy.world
                    1 year ago

                    ill concede u didnt outright call em a nazi if u bute the bullet and admit u just used the same bad faith inplication that you accused them of. Sounds hyporcritcal to me.

                    Any ambiguity about this “implication” gets cleared up pretty damn quickly when I explicitly said “I don’t think you’re a Nazi”, no?

                    So according to u its systematic which would imply the system is working against them. Would a system without racism not equally effect everyone whos part of it?

                    Call it what your like - the system has measurably different outcomes for people of different races - do you deny the disparity in outcome, or do you behove the disparity is genetic? Either position is ridiculous. Alternatively, feel free to bring an alternative forward. In any case, in a racist system, the victims of that racism aren’t the problem - the racism is - whether it be a product of active malice, or just the well-intentioned product of a carelessly designed system. Where are you going with this?

                    No i knew u would read it before responding and thus to prove me wrong would not lose it and call me a nazi (i like to think of it as reasonability insurance).

                    Totally non-falsifiable, and irrelevant. You’re awfully concerned about being called a Nazi by someone on the internet that isn’t calling you a Nazi or even saying anything that implies anything of the sort. You presumably know you’re not a Nazi - even if I were to call you one, it would change nothing, and I’d look dumb if I didn’t substantiate it. It’s weird - get past it.

                    Lied about lieing now thats just a catch 22 at best and a logical paradox at the worst.

                    I am from the moon. I never said I was from the moon - a lie about a lie. No paradox… Unless you’d like to join the dots there?

                    The only thing my entire argument is grounded in is u having no ability to understand any perspective other than ur own and that i dont beleive we should make any division based on race.You just called both tgese lies so please demonstrate otherwise.

                    The system as it stands has massive disparities in outcomes along racial lines. To defend the status quo is to defend the materially worse outcomes for indigenous Australians. That’s an existing, measurable divide along racial lines that I’d like to bring to a place of equality. The closest I came to a comment about not being able to understand a perspective other than my own was to mock the notion that your perspective was based on reality after pointing out that it’s based on lies. There’s yet another lie. Again, quote me if I’m wrong.

                    If ur willing to concede thinking im a lier that would mean ur willing to concede on what u think is reality, thats prerry telling of u as a whole.

                    I’ve pointed to the clear lies (or the alternative idiocy explanation) - with this in mind, one of the following is true…

                    • You don’t believe the perspective you’re putting forward

                    • You believe the perspective, but need to lie to defend it (this is what I suspect), meaning it’s indefensible at worst, or it’s not worth hearing from you at best

                    • You’re too dumb to comprehend simple statements I’ve made (e.g. I don’t think you’re a Nazi), or engage with reality - worthless either way.

                    What idiot would take a position they’ve proven is based on lies seriously?

                    Ur welcome to call me a moron i emplore you to continue to use schoolgrpund insults and demonstrate ur superior intelect.

                    Thanks for the post-hoc permission, but there’s no pride in clearing such a low bar.

                    I’m never going to know if I’m right that you’re lying to defend your genuine perspective, but I’ll ask anyway - if you need to lie to defend your positions, why do you cling to them… Why not just take an honest position? It makes life far simpler, and if you’re refining those positions when you learn they’re indefensible, they’ll get better over time.

            • muntedcrocodile@lemmy.world
              1 year ago

              Wonderful im glad your working towards not being so unesaasarily hostile. You did call me a lier tho maybe you can work on that next.

              • WaxedWookie@lemmy.world
                1 year ago

                I called you a liar because you were lying. I not only didn’t call them a Nazi, I actively said I don’t think they’re a Nazi. If you’d like to quote me calling them a Nazi, I’ll happy walk that back with an apology.

                If you get upset about your lies being called out, just don’t tell them. It makes life far simpler.

                • muntedcrocodile@lemmy.world
                  1 year ago

                  I’m sorry you don’t have the balls to call someone a Nazi and must rely on heavy implication.

                  Must be taught being that spineless.

                  • WaxedWookie@lemmy.world
                    1 year ago

                    If I wanted to call them a Nazi, I would have called them a Nazi (same way I’m calling you a moron, having demonstrated it), rather than actively saying I don’t think they’re a Nazi.

                    I thought I told you to get past this nonsense - it’s deeply weird for you to jump in and get obsessive about me not calling someone a Nazi, and pointing out what a moron you are is getting tired.

        • saltesc@lemmy.world
          1 year ago

          In response to you saying indigenous represesentation in the constitution is racist

          This is your problem. You have made this up in your head and the rest is subsequently unrelatable. Your questions are to that person in your head, certainly not me. What I have said has never altered or been unclear and this is what I find disheartening abiut your actions and behaviour.

          I wish you well.

          • muntedcrocodile@lemmy.world
            1 year ago

            Once again missing the entire point division based upon race within the constitution cannot and will never be equality. I give zero flying fucks what the cause is I will fight inequality at any point I possibly can. I am not willing to compromise on equality off all peoples and if you would like to argue that its a necessary evil for the greater good i know of a very angry, very dead Austrian, who used those exact same arguments.

    • muntedcrocodile@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Sir i beleive what u just did was conflate correlation with causation. U outlined the issue perfwctly urself.

      We’re factually not equal, and defence of the status quo that led to that perpetuates that inequality, again begs the question of whether the inequality is genetic

      Worse by which metrics is a very important point. Lower educarion for instance is correlated with being indiginouse but its also correlated with bwing poor which is also correlated with a million other things.

      Fundamentaly by framing it as an issue of race we arent making anything better. And we for sure arnt making equality. What you are implying is by tackling the racial issue we are takling the causational root of all these issues.

      It has bewn provwn time a rime again that u cant fix a problem rampent in any minority by simply throughing money or power at it one must methodicaly go through every single issue one by one and fix it.

      Why dont we start with education then move to wealth inequality then we can reevaluate the measurable difference at that point. We have had variouse advisory bodies for many years at this point many of them have done nothing except act as a virtue signal for the holyer than thou type (you).

      How aboit u propose a measurable solution instead of just calling everyone racist and getting ur nickers in a twist.