Looking around for trackers that do stl files and/or other stuff for 3d printing. Specifically I’m hoping for rpg minis and the like but if I can find a tracker that does printable objects, I’m happy to help start a mini community.

  • Piecemakers@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Yeah “my dude”, I respond exceptionally well to juvenile condescension, especially when coupled with a whingy cry for a handout. I’m not condoning or promoting piracy here (that’s against the rules, innit?), so downvote all you want: my point still stands. Hell, I’ll even give your lazy ass a hint: it rhymes with “materialize”. Now, kindly fuck off, kiddo. 😘

    tl;dr: “big, central repositories” do exist, you’re just too shit at life to find them, and speaking on behalf of all humankind in this is a patently stupid stance. You have no clue what “people” want, and using it to prop up your baseless argument is tedious at best. Bye, Felicia.