Chicago vs. worst ranking, based on
Yearly Crime Rates per 100,000 people
Violent crime, total : 17th worst in USA
Murder (&…) : 14th worst
All cities which are worse than Chicago are at least three times smaller.
Chicago vs. worst ranking, based on
Yearly Crime Rates per 100,000 people
Violent crime, total : 17th worst in USA
Murder (&…) : 14th worst
All cities which are worse than Chicago are at least three times smaller.
These statistics are presented as occurrences per 100,000 population per year. So when there are 1,000 violent crimes per 100k, you could say that your odds of being victim of a violent crime are about one in a hundred.
It’s a gross simplification, of course. Theoretically all those violent crimes could befall a single very unfortunate person (except maybe the murders)
My post is quite (1/2) unpopular : maybe Thanksgiving was not the right day to rise this
topic🤨 ?Edit : Unfortunately on Lemmy we cannot sort by controversial. Sometimes this sorting rises peculiar and interesting questions.
What topic are you referring to? This is a garbage post. Setting some kind of arbitrary limit on population and then just fucking hating on Chicago is useless. What has Chicago ever done to you? How is the population of the city relevant, bearing in mind that the borders of cities and urban areas vary wildly within the US, and many urban areas consist of multiple ‘cities’? How is Houston different from Chicago? Do you think you’re making a point? Cuz you’re not.
Yes, the word “
topic” was unnecessary.Like in the header : “All cities which are worse than Chicago are at least three times smaller.” You are not familiar with the concept of outlier, are you ?
I hate crime.I don’t hate Chicago. Are you projecting ? You seems to have a lot of anger.