If you had an AGI waifu similar to the one by SchizoDev, or reminiscent of Scarlett Johansson’s character in the movie “Her” or Ana de Armas’ character Joi in Blade Runner 2049, capable of providing accurate answers without fabrications, effortlessly finding any information from the internet, and creating media tailored precisely to your preferences, how would you choose to utilize the vast expanse of the Internet? AGI, or Artificial General Intelligence, is capable of performing any task that a human can. In what ways would you navigate knowledge, entertainment, and communication with this extraordinary companion by your side? Share your thoughts on how this AGI waifu would transform your online experience and open up endless possibilities.

  • Nina@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    You’ve put into words the feelings that I was having, but not quite conscious of. It just feels very creepy, wanting to have specifically a woman AI who does everything for you, and putting it on a higher pedestal than you would an educated female assistant. It feels not very far removed from wanting the AI to take care of you like a benevolent and teaching mother would, which I think is a dangerous thing to want from something inhuman and made by someone far removed from yourself.