An acoustic bike.
This is what I always say, it has the perfect level of dad joke energy IMO.
I’m a musician for a living so it feels appropriate for me.
Haha this I like. Unplugged
I want to say ‚bike‘?
Whatever happened to just “bicycle”?
Well, e-bikes are bicycles, too.
nope, are motorbkes
Bicycle means two wheels, so a motorbike technically is a bicycle, too.
But e-bikes are closer to non-e-bikes than to motorcycles in terms of components, looks and you said: a motor bike is technically a bicycle. ok. then the feature that makes a different name is the motor, isn’t it? then a bicycle with a motor is a motorbike.
Pinkbike is getting so pathetic. Instead of trying to farm outrage for clicks, maybe do something to actually promote something. Cheap bitches didn’t even have an advent giveaway this year. Fuck outside, and fuck Pinkbike for selling out.
You know of any better sites? It seems like it’s pretty hard to find genuinely good articles most of the time and something is better than nothing.
Not many alternatives. Some of my go-tos are NSMB and VitalMTB. Loam Ranger for Vlogs I guess too.
Manual bike.
Stick shift?
Hmm, new meaning for riding a manual then!
No, that’s a Hand Bike. ;-)
Trad bike.
I believe italians call it a ‘muscle bike’, which i found kinda funny and cool.
My wife calls reel lawn mowers “man powered lawnmower,” which very clearly communicates how it works. Muscle bike does that as well, with the funny allusion to muscle cars.
I like it, I’m going to use it. Let’s make it a thing.
Bike bike
*Velocipede. (I was going to say it, darnit.)
Pedal Bike. That’s what my Gramps called it
Analogue bike
Mechanical bike
I believe the federal rules on wilderness areas put it under “mechanized transportation” or something like that.
Maybe not as cool as acoustic bike but it’s the most accurate in contrast to “motorized bike”
Free range
That’s quite clever actually :D
A b-bike, standing in your b-bike stance?