Honestly, Lively Wallpaper. You can set anything as your wallpaper and it’ll work wonderfully: a video streaming directly from YouTube, a Unity game, a shader, a browser tab, a gif… You name it!
And the API supports sound input so anyone can make their sound visualizers now. I always wanted to do that as a kid after being an og WMP fanboy and finally got that knocked off my bucket list
Honestly, Lively Wallpaper. You can set anything as your wallpaper and it’ll work wonderfully: a video streaming directly from YouTube, a Unity game, a shader, a browser tab, a gif… You name it!
And the API supports sound input so anyone can make their sound visualizers now. I always wanted to do that as a kid after being an og WMP fanboy and finally got that knocked off my bucket list
This sounds cool but the amount of time that I actually see my desktop is probably less than 1% of the time I’m on my computer.