I love the original Hotline Miami but I’m not a big fan of the boss fights like the ones in Neighbors (Biker) and Deadline (Van Driver). I find it kind of slows down the game and limits the strategies you can take.
Another example would be Fallout 3. I find the tutorial section in Vault 101 can feel a bit long after a fifth run but maybe that’s because I was spoiled by Fallout New Vegas’ ability to run off in your own direction immediately after leaving Doc Mitchell’s house.
cyberpunk2077. running through the fuzzy bd like space to find johnny and then playing as him.
and a lot of other parts where its just people talking at legnth - its only interesting the first time, but its almost half the game and really detracts from replayability
those you can at least fast forward a bit but it would be nice if it had more of a real skip.
I really enjoy the Arasaka tower nuking sequence, the rebel path blazing while you blow people in half with your .50 cal pistol can’t be beat.
im one of those people who are never happy when im forced to not play the character I made. I get how it could be fun.