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The original was posted on /r/modcoord by /u/Obversa on 2023-07-01 16:56:16+00:00.

Hey, this is Openminded_skeptic here (for future reference).

I’ve been moderating here for a few months, since the previous moderator resigned. I’ve enjoyed being part of a community that appreciates Adam Driver and his career. And his acting. And his face. And… well I could go on lol!

However, due to the API changes that are going into effect tomorrow, I am choosing to end my association with Reddit.

There are a lot of very good reasons that people (not just moderators, but users) have been protesting the decision by Reddit to no longer allow their API to be freely accessed, but of course I have my personal reasons.

I truly believe that these changes Reddit is making signal a significant change in direction for the purpose and vision for Reddit as a platform, from focusing on the users first, to focusing on investors and advertisers to the complete exclusion of Reddit as a community.

These changes are not going to be immediately obvious to the casual browsers. But those people who have been involved with content creation, developing and creating useful tools for browsing Reddit, and developing and nurturing communities that provide invaluable information and help to people all over the world, (lol not referring to myself or the subs I have moderated at all in any of these descriptions, as much as I love Adam Driver, pets, renaissance art, etc.) can see clearly that Reddit as it once was is going to pretty much die, as Reddit gives more priority to people/bots/companies/political parties who want to forcibly push agendas or sell things than to people who are organically and sincerely interacting with their communities.

If you’re interested in exploring other platforms that are in the process of developing as alternatives to Reddit, here are a few I’ve seen:

There are many more at /r/RedditAlternatives.

Anyhow, as many have said, so long and thanks for all the Adams! (Okay maybe I’m the only one who has said that lol).