the title says it all 😀

    1 year ago

    Thanks! Glad to share.

    I’m not super sharp on the legalese of licensing so I may be missing something important, but the license listed on their gitlab for the FUTO voice app seems to be for use of the source code itself, not the functioning of the compiled app. I haven’t gotten as far as compiling from code or forking projects, so I live more on the world of privacy policies and TOS. I should have made a note on my list that both FUTO voice and Magic Earth are not fully FLOSS, just privacy respecting. I’m not surprised there has been some drama though with it not being fully FLOSS. Along with that, one of the companies employees, Louis Rossman, is a YouTuber and has somewhat of a polarizing personality 😄.

    I think overall I do generally get a good feeling from the company and the way this app has been functioning. The privacy policy is just about as clean as I think you could get it a speech to text app. Mostly though, it’s a lesser of two evils for me, as this is really the only option aside from Google speech to text that I’ve found. It fills a pretty niche spot on mobile devices right now.

      1 year ago

      Sorry I missed this earlier. And thanks for the update. I think we’re similar in our thought process. I appreciate your input. Also, Rossman is almost enough to make me walk the opposite direction. Almost. :)