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The original was posted on /r/nosleep by /u/SimbaTheSavage8 on 2023-07-06 12:12:41+00:00.

(My cousins disappeared many years ago because of them.)

(There was nothing left of Mary Jane or her younger sister Molly, no sign they had existed. No, when the police raided their house back in 2014 after a distress call, it was like no one had lived there at all. The only evidence that someone had once lived (and probably died) there were bloodstains on the floor and multi-coloured puddles of maroon, green and purple slime.)

(And Mary Jane’s laptop. I knew MJ wanted to be a YouTube star, courtesy of my late uncle, so she was always on her camera and comp recording something or other. They found the last 5 videos she made before she went missing on that comp. Five videos. The last memories I’ll ever have of her.)

(I’m not sure what to make of them. The only connection I found is that a self-proclaiming Kpop band called The Tree Girls was involved. They also said they were world-famous, but other than that unverified claim on the Internet, there is nothing about them. The trail is cold. My eyes are burning from watching them over and over again. Even the detective is stumped.)

(That’s why I decided to turn to you guys. I’ve put all the transcripts here and hopefully y’all can get farther on this case than me. I’m desperate for any information about my missing cousins. Who–or what–the Tree Girls are, where they are now–anything.)

(Please help me. I just want to see my cousins again…)

Video 1

(The first ten seconds of the video is a black screen, but finally it flickers to a grainy screen. Mary Jane is adjusting the camera. She is roughly 14 years old, African-American and has dark, curly hair.)

Hey, what’s up YouTube! Mary Jane here and welcome to my channel! Is that how people start these videos these days?

I have something special to show y’all today! It’s a work in progress, but what I’ve got so far is nearly perfect! So, please enjoy!

(Mary Jane pushes the chair away and gets into position in the middle of what appears to be her bedroom. She stands, perfectly poised, right hand stretched high in the air and her left leg curved into a D on her right. She looks like the Statue of Liberty.)

(She holds her breath and closes her eyes, waiting for the music to start.)

(Then a loud thump can be heard. The camera shakes and falls to the ground, revealing a star-capped ceiling and the tripod next to it.)

Did you hear that guys? It was like the world was falling!

(She grabs the camera and points it outside. Something bright is seen in the distance, like a falling star on earth. A beam of light is shooting up into the night sky.)

Cool! A UFO! It’s—(Mary Jane shows her iphone in front of the camera, revealing the time)—11:13pm right now and there’s a UFO in my backyard!

Right here on the Internet! Live!

(pushes camera close to her face and whispers) : Can’t wait to show everyone at school tomorrow…

(The lights start going off in town. From where the UFO is then further inward, like a wave crashing the ocean. Mary Jane nearly drops the camera but catches it in time.)

(Her room goes dark. Can’t see anything clearly besides the UFO and the full moon.)

No Internet connection? Come on! This is im—

(Video abruptly ends)

Video 2

Is this charged?

(muttering in the background.)

Oh dang. It’s not! Just when I’m about to showcase my masterpiece too!

Hold on…

(The camera blinks to life, with the charging battery light blinking rapidly. A younger girl, presumably her sister, Molly, adjusts the camera. She smiles cheekily.)

Hey everyone! I hope MJ doesn’t mind me…borrowing her stuff, but I’ve got to show you guys what we learned today!

Watch this!

(She presses play on her phone. The music is rather loud: a roar of drums, bass and a guitar riff, overlaid with someone singing in Korean. She smiles excitedly at the camera and gets into position.)

(The dance itself is fast and furious and hypnotising to watch. Molly flips, twists and spins, contorting herself into positions not physically possible for a human being. Finally she lies on the floor, her left leg over her head and her right leg stretched towards the chair. As she talks, you can hear muscles ripping and tearing, and bones cracking. A toe rolls towards the camera, detached.)

Did you guys see that? Amazing, isn’t it?

Want to know how we learned this? Today in school they showed us this video called ‘Rainbow Joy’ during assembly! It is full of rainbows and unicorns and these three girls singing and dancing on a bed of cotton candy and—


(Heavy footsteps are heard bounding up a wooden staircase, and then the older girl—Mary Jane—bursts into full view of the camera. Her face is as black as thunder.)


Molly: But MJ, this is immporrtant!

Mary Jane: What are you even doing with my camera? Don’t you know whatever you’re doing goes straight to YouTube?

Molly: But they need to know! They need to dance too!

(She starts dancing in front of the camera again, and this time her left foot pops off and richochets off the walls. Mary Jane is frozen, the colour quickly draining from her face. She starts to shake.)

Mary Jane (whispering) : Molly, your foot…

We need to call an ambulance…

Molly (giggling) : I know right? Isn’t this cool?

(Mary Jane simply shakes her head and shoves Molly out of the room, slamming the door behind her. You can hear Molly screaming and crying in the background, yelling things like: “It’s not fair MJ! They need to know!”

(Mary Jane looks at the camera, and shakes her head, mouthing, “Little sisters, eh?” to the audience. Despite her annoyance though, fear is flickering in her eyes. She turns off the camera, ending the video.)

Video 3

(The camera turns on to reveal Mary Jane sitting in her chair. It is obvious this video was shot directly after her confrontation with her sister; you can still hear Molly throwing a tantrum in the background, although it is slightly muffled now. She leans back, allowing the camera to take on the rest of her upper body, her bed, and an UP ALL NIGHT neon sign hanging in the background.)

(She takes a deep breath and begins to speak.)

Hey guys, MJ here. I’m sorry about my sister. Didn’t expect her to take my gear like that. Need to keep a better eye on my stuff, especially this camera. It was a birthday present from my old pops before he left. He used to watch a ton of YouTube. Those old parodies, old cartoons, old memes that probably aged like milk by now.

(Heavy footsteps thumping up the stairs. MJ is hyperventilating, trying to keep her composure. She glances worryingly at the door.)


Open up!

He gave me this camera. Wanted me to be like them. At first I didn’t believe him. I wasn’t Internet material, I said. But he still wanted me to start this channel and do it.

And, and— (A tear slides down her cheek and Mary Jane wipes it away.) —he’s, he’s…


(Mary Jane turns away to cry. She sniffles, breathes in deep, then turns back to the camera, her face red as a tomato and her eyes bloodshot.)

(She tries to speak again, but her voice is drowned out by excited screams outside.)

MJ! MJ! Come on! Open the door!

You need to see this!

(Loud thumps against the door can be heard, growing increasingly louder and more desperate. When Mary Jane turns the camera towards the door, almost reflexively, you can see that the door is shaking at its hinges like it is going to explode. The door knob pops off and almost hits the camera lens.)


(Mary Jane screams. Hair flops out of the hole from the doorknob, followed by a face, looking down, and then a pair of gangy arms…)

Come on MJ! What are you waiting for? Dance with me!

(Mary Jane darts under the bed, pulling the camera tight against her chest. It is pitch dark, and all you can hear is her heavy breathing and her heart pounding against her chest.)

MJ! There you are! Come out!

(An arm darts under the bed and grabs Mary Jane by her leg. She screams, and tries to kick them off. In the ensuing struggle the camera spins across the room, hits against one of the bed legs, and turns off by itself.)

Video 4

(Mary Jane turns on the camera. The flash illuminates her pale, shaking face.)


I think it’s gone…

Hang on…

(She shoves the camera out from under the bed. The lens is pointed at the window. It is now nighttime and a full moon shines bright and true through the window.)

(Mary Jane finally wriggles out and holds the camera in front of her face.)

Oh my god. Guys, look.

(The camera points towards an assortment of limbs scattered throughout the room, joined together by a pool of blood. Molly’s disembodied head rolled to Mary Jane’s feet. Her eyes were white with no pupils and she was grinning with her tongue sticking out like she found all this very funny indeed.)

(Mary Jane points the camera back at her face. She bites her lip and tries not to scream again. When she speaks, her voice is trembling like a leaf and she’s trying not to cry.)

Dude. I don’t know what to say. And the music is still going on. Someone is blasting the video over and over and over again on speakers. Can you guys hear it too?

I mean, I’m not dreaming right? This is real right? You guys see all this too, right?


Wish it is a dream though. Wish it is some nightmare I can wake up from and then hug Molly and start the day all over. Wish—

Wait. Who’s there?

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