What responsibility do Canadian airlines have to passengers as the summer travel season gets in full swing? What are your rights as a traveller? Here’s what you need to know.
What responsibility do Canadian airlines have to passengers as the summer travel season gets in full swing? What are your rights as a traveller? Here’s what you need to know.
I live in the UK, when I was still back and forth to visit my now wife, one thing we noticed is you can save $100-$300 by using a VPN and booking everything from outside Canada. This is more evident when booking with Air Canada, but always worth popping on a VPN and looking at what the price differences are.
I’ve heard about this before, this is unbelivebly uncompetitive! Sounds like something the Consumer Affairs should look at.
Loads of companies across all industries do it. Not that that makes it right, just that it’s pretty pervasive.