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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 19th, 2023


  • Lol why would anyone fuckin hire someone that bitches about the basics of finding, applying and following up on new job interviews.

    “I feel for those who have to do this without stable income or a family that offers them a place to stay…”

    It’s common sense to most non-pampered people who don’t expect people to wait on every one of their super bitchy complaints to just take a job beneath their qualification as a bridge the gap income while putting in the work to find their right employer to build their career with.

  • Like dodging charges for assaulting his girlfriend in college? Or how about when he beat his kid and told his wife, “Bitch, you should be too” after she said to him, “your son is terrified of you” the proceeded to threaten his wife to lie to the authorities so the charges would be dropped.

    He acted like the fucking scum bag he is to the cops and he fuckin got what he deserved. Mother fucker has been dodging charges that any non-athletic white person would never get away with. This piece of shit deserves to get hog tied and strung up like s pinata for his son to break open.

  • So what is a transgender girl? Born with dude fuck tools but born with dudette feel tools? Was the slim Jim wrestler competing in women sports south park episodes an actual possibility? I don’t have kids and any nieces, nephews, 2nd cousins or friends kids I’m close enough to care about this shit for isn’t old enough to be on the conversational radar of the parents yet.

    Edit: To add further context to avoid pissing anyone off for being dumb, I live in the rural US so limited exposure to all the varieties of peeps. No social media. Don’t watch any TV that isn’t a child’s cartoon with niece or family guy type cartoon so for me its cartoon or die. I’m all for learning about new shit. The problem is there is so much new shit to learn I don’t always have time to learn about all shit until it has some relevance to something I encountered.

  • No clue to the answer to your question but it’s not difficult to load your own ammunition. Gun powder, shells and slugs aren’t usually as heavily regulated in the US I’d assume to some degree that’d be true elsewhere. Can prolly buy it off eBay or craigslist if you really looked.

    Then it’s just a matter of measuring and packing it all into a single bullet with a special fitted hand press. Super tedious and time consuming but easy to do. Wanna say old timers did it back when it was cheaper but the only people I know who still do it do it to controll their ammo consistency for either competition shooting or rifle hunting.

  • 37y/o here. Fuck Squirrels, grey and red, as well as chipmunks. They’re all just different textured rats. Destroy shit to make nests, destroy shit to get at food or store food, disease spreading, fuckem all.

    Anyone needs advice for bird feeders: 4x4 post in ground, thin walled metal rust resistant metal tubing covered in environment friendly lube. I’ve gone extreme with lard - looked like shit after a week, now I just buy vegetable oil spray and coat it. As long as there are no trees close enough for Squirrels to jump to the feeder you shouldn’t have an issue. Every post I put in gets a 4 way cross on top to hang 4 individual feeders from. I do this for any feeder that isn’t humming bird/oriole cuz they don’t seem to get fucked with.

  • “I’m so glad I’m not growing up in this age of smartphones, social media, and bullshit generators.”

    Lol I’m so glad I’m not the journalist or or journalist’s intern who had to poll this question to kids lol. I know I’m being stupid but all I cam picture is that Steve Buscemi meme with the skate board being like, “Hey duuuudes, any of us kids making your Commodore 64’s draw boobies for you?!”

    Back in 2005 when I was in school if we saw any teacher talking to students about anything not school related there were rumors that teacher was fucking every student down that hall. In our defense tho 3 out of the 9 science department teachers were relocated or fired for fucking girls from our class. Not in our defense tho, noone knew while we were still in school. We were just assholes.