The fact that prostitition is illegal over there still baffles me. It’s just a job and if anyone knows about safe sex it’s someone who works a profession tied to it. If i wanted to learn about some hobby i’m sure i could learn more from a professional than some random guy.
There is other merch though! and there is sale! *wink *wink (pls i need a s2 greenlit NOW T-T)
You can either ignore it or slowly go insane. Noone will listen, we are all going to die quite horrifically. I can’t ignore it so i just hope i go mad before i feel the suffering.
Also: fdroid exists. It’s like a playstore just for open source stuff. You just download it from their website and install the .apk like you would use an .exe in windows.
you sure that usb has 32gigs? might be scam one that says it has more space than it does (would also explain the boot problem maybe?) but you said it launched fine once so i’m not sure/a mint iso won’t fit on 4mbs? but reformatting should definitely “reset” the usb… . have you tried it with a different one?