Of course, I will do a follow up afterwards :)
So, if I plan to build a pi cluster I should get familiar with k8s?
Is there a social media or github account to follow for news on your game? I really enjoyed Slime Rancher (it was the first game on my 100% achievement journey) and a similiar game in a fantasy setting would be lovely!
Right now, I am working on a bash script which automatically installs Artix Linux (Arch Linux without systemd) on any machine. You can choose between a basic installation which just keeps you with a running system and some necessary packages and a custom installation which contains my config files and settings. Mainly, I am doing it to practice bash and Linux, but I plan to switch from Debian to Artix and I wanted to have a script to easily reinstall my system if I brick something.
I will most likely split this project into two in the future: an enhanced install script which lets people choose their packages and a separate script which copy my dotfiles onto the system.
EDIT: Grammar and spelling.
In addition to all good recommendations above, I also can recommend Vim Vixen or Vimium C.
These extensions enable you to control your browser with your keyboard with vim-like commands. If you are already using vim or want to use your keyboard more to comfortably navigate your system, it is a must-have :)
Thanks for your great advice! I did a quick measurement of the noise spectrum inside the cabinet with my phone:
It seems most of the noise is in the 100 - 1k Hz range.
Basotect looks perfect! It is also quite affordable. Will 3 cm will suffice or would you recommend thicker padding?
(If I can’t find a proper solution for the cable ducts, I could use any remaining Basotect, glue it together and fill the duct with it. There will be just a few cables that have to leave the cabinet anyway…)