This implies that I consider the Republicans any short of type of legitimate. The only thing I care to do with the nazi party is to treat them as nazi’s should be treated. While the younger generation would probably agree with me, we are not quite where we need to be with that. So if i’m talking about anything in regards to handling politics in any way that isn’t a riot, i’m going to be referring to Democrats…who the vast majority are also not legitimate but many people are not ready to hear that yet, so I offer the suggestion I have at the time. I do agree with you mostly. I would greatly like to burn it all to the ground and build something better, but until the people are there, i’m going to suggest things that might work in our current climate while suggesting people organize and work on opening people’s understanding on the fact that our institutions only exist to serve the ruling class. Let’s just say I wait for the day that we can have cocktails at these people’s houses.
yep, honestly i’d prefer to handle the issue of America not being where it needs in a more…direct way (like having cocktails on the boss’s lawn), however, the people are not there yet and we need to continue to organize and open people’s understanding of how they are being played. Thrown that out as a suggestion as something that might work as of right now. Though I will say, it is nice to be reminded that there are people I can be a little bit more open to the whole “our political system is illegitimate” (and that’s the nicest way anyone can put it). Been organizing in a local issue and have to walk around big scary words like “fascism” and “socialism” like i’m playing minesweeper, that i forget that some spaces it’s not necessary.