So… do nothing? Get on the same page and play along? Big change will have to happen to fix it? Arbitrary violence? The people are supposed to be the government. They are supposed to have the right to protest when the government is not acting in their best interests. If peacefully protesting creates violence, I suggest that violence comes from the government—not the people.
Boomer here. I was part of the “take it to the streets” movement in the 60s. (And don’t let anyone tell you that protesting doesn’t work). We organized without social media, we were fearless, and we were focused. We NEVER expected anyone to use their influence to help. Don’t throw your anger onto others for what you are not willing to do. Something else we had going for us…musicians. We had musicians that wrote the most amazing anti-establishment songs. They were like a call to arms. Where are the poets and musicians?