Yup. I’m Bo7a.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023


  • In which way am I complaining? I am explaining why calling a valid solution a bandaid might be construed as belittling their very real knowledge of this process. And how that is a regular pattern in a lot technical fields.

    And don’t give me this shit about ‘I’m not the person you were talking to’ This is an open forum not a direct/private message.

  • You can’t expect people who are knowledgeable about this stuff to just forever accept that someone asks for advice, gets told the solution, and then ignores/belittles the person with knowledge.

    This is our daily life experience. We get hired to be experts, and get told by non-experts that our solutions are not tenable every single day. Only for that solution to eventually be accepted when the user in question figures out their idea was not useful and the expert was correct.

    We have to put up with it at work, we are not obliged to accept it here.

  • Hey now. Alberta has a ton of morons, and slightly more than their fair share of assholes. But Hanlon’s razor* still applies. I don’t think anybody put a hitch on their truck with the express intent of causing harm somewhere. They are more likely just stupid and/or lazy.

    * “Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.”

    In other words: some bad things happen not because of people having bad intentions, but because they did not think it through properly. Or at all.

  • I probably find the question weird because I spent my whole life around heavy equipment, trailers, and other towables. Every time a trailer was hooked up, part of the job was grabbing the hitch from wherever it was stored.

    Grandpa used to say ‘just don’t be an asshole’ and being an asshole includes someone who doesn’t watch out for everybody else’s shins.

    I didn’t insult the person asking or anything stupid like that. I explained exactly why the hitches are made to be quick release for removal when not in use.