• 10 Posts
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2024


  • You going to bat for Hannity’s conspiracy bullshit is very telling.

    As is your seeming inability to understand basic reasoning.

    I’m curious why you think he isn’t being labelled as Independent right off the bat by news agencies if registering Independent solidifies you as such? What do you say about people that wear MAGA hats but registered Democratic to F with DNC nominations?

    I’m not going to bat for Hannity. I’m saying we shouldn’t be so smug as to assume he’s wrong about this guy. More importantly, that undecideds will agree and not be turned off by an obvious bias towards a belief of Democratic purity. That is how you lose votes.

  • There is no ‘make up your mind’. There is only a building of evidence. Unless you’re willing to declare some objective standard for what everyone considers an ‘official Democrat’…

    In the meantime, many people register into a party falsely to do things like manipulate primary votes and such. A common attack vector for the first would-be assassin as I recall. To say “he is or isn’t” is pretty much in the eye of the beholder and we’re discussing points undecideds will consider relevant.

    My mind is currently leaning to ‘way too many people will think he is a Democrat for this to be good for Democrats’.

  • Your seeming inability to comprehend the tenets of basic rational argumentation and outright refusal to accept what anyone says to you that you disagree with, supported or not, are glaring flaws in someone whose job it is to evaluate what people are saying in their forums and arbitrate fairly.

    Did I not expressly agree that Trump is racist? Show me where I “excuse racism”. All I have done is simply (to some) state that “racism accusations are an unnecessary complication to successfully counter Trumps core argument”. As I’ve said already: if someone like MLK jr, or Al Sharpton, or Maya Angelou said “Kamala was pandering to her heritage” your ‘that person is racist!’ counter would be laughed at. It is besides the point. Nobody disagrees that Trump is racist. Let it go as it doesn’t matter for the best counter-argument.